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New R&D laboratory opened at CRL UK manufacturing facility

日期: 2014-07-30
浏览次数: 94

Capital has ambitious targets for product development and as such has made a significant investment to R&D. A separate R&D laboratory has been constructed with new equipment purchased including additional high temperature furnaces and a dilatometer. A technician has been recruited to work solely in R&D and additional engineers will be recruited to further enhance our capabilities. Capital is also to fund projects with Sheffield University to work on relevant projects.


Dr. Mike Lamkin, Capital Refractories Group Technical Manager, provided the following comments on the new R&D laboratory "This continued investment in our technical resources will ensure that Capital continues to be at the forefront of product development and investigation of raw materials. This will allow us to provide improvements to the already effective product range(s) that our customers expect, for use in the ever demanding environments they are installed".


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