Example 1
An investment foundry of carbon steel had been used to MgO crucibles (100kg) that achieved 60 heats in average. The 1st trial of Coral SMC and GD achieved 130 heats. At present, Coral SMC achieved more than 150 heats in average. Advantages of GD:
•Lining life increased from 60 heats (MgO crucible) to 150 heats (SMC).
•Defects of carbon steel SUH7 reduced from 23.46% to 16.19%.
•Due to reduced defects, economic benefits increased by 8.53% on SUH7 steel.
Example 2
An investment foundry of stainless steel has been using Capital spinel linings for years. Using our GD, they have gained more benefits:
•Lining life increases by 20%
•Reduce use of slag off, but increase efficiency of removing slag.
•Since fluidity is better, tapping temperature can be lowered.
•Casting quality is improved and repair cost is reduced.
Example 3
A centrifugal casting foundry has 1.5T, 1T & 500kg furnaces on 3 power units. Products are various. After trialing one GD for one week only, they asked to install GD in all other furnaces. Now, GD has become their standard device. Benefits of GD:
•Problem of oxidization of carbon steel doesn't exist now.
•Nitrogen level in stainless steel is reduced. Finishing process is easier and quality of casting surface is better.
•They have successfully produced a kind of mirrorlike chromate treatment casting. Its quality is even better than expectation. (They had problem to produce it before using GD because of pin holes.)
Example 4
An investment foundry has used GD in all 120kg furnaces. Benefits:
•Reduction of slag holes from Jan 2007 (without GD) to Feb 2007 (with GD):
◦304 S.S.:37.3% → 26.6%
◦316 S.S.:41.4% → 25.3%
◦SNCM220 C.S.:10.2% → 7.5%
◦WCB C.S.: 48% → 37.9%
•Cleanliness of spinel ling has increased by 60%
•Campaign life of spinel lining is stable at 250 ~ 270 heats.GD has become standard device for all furnaces.
Example 5
An investment foundry (golf club maker) compares using spinel lining + GD with MgO crucible (100kg). The GD has improved castings in some respects:
•Perfect casting rate increased from 9.9% to 16.8%
•Slag holes reduced from 28% to 20.3%
•Slag scars reduced from 31.4% to 16.8%
•Pin holes remarkably reduced too.